I really want to finish this sweater before winter is completely over, so I must dedicate all my knitting time to this sweater. To keep me going, I will fantasize about what to do with all this yarn that I got on sale:

Want a closer look? Here's what I got:
4 skeins of Manos in this gorgeous lavender. Not sure what I will do with it, but the color really grabbed me:

4 balls of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. A friend recently finished the sweetest baby sweater, and I am anxious to make one as well. With 4 pregnant friends, there will be lots of babies to knit for!

There will be another blue baby cardigan sweater on the needles soon, since when else can you get Rowan on sale?

Did you see the Ugg-style baby booties on the Knitty Gritty? Here are all the materials to make them:

Some yummy chunky Berroco that will be a jacket for Marty:

And finally, something for me, someday... I came upon this hidden pile of Lana Gatto Labrador. I've never seen it before, but as soon as I touched it, I knew I wanted to wear it. It feels soft like chenille, but is twisted. I grabbed all they had - 10 balls at 66 yards each. Now my challenge is to find something that will fit me with that yardage.

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